Scenario definition

Modeling or composing a scenario in mosaik comprises three steps:

  1. Starting simulators,

  2. Instantiating models within the simulators, and

  3. Connecting the model instances of different simulators to establish the data flow between them.

This page will show you how to create simple scenarios in these three steps. It will also provide some recipes that allow you to create more complex scenarios.

The setup

The central class for creating scenarios is mosaik.scenario.World (for your convenience, you can also import World directly from mosaik). This class stores all data and state that belongs to your scenario and its simulation. It also provides various methods that allow you to start simulators and establish the data flows between them.

In this tutorial, we’ll create a very simple scenario using the example simulation that is provided with the Python implementation of the simulator API.

We start by importing the mosaik package and creating a World instance:

>>> import mosaik
>>> from mosaik.scenario import SimConfig
>>> sim_config: SimConfig = {
...     'ExampleSim': {'python': 'example_sim.mosaik:ExampleSim'},
... }
>>> world = mosaik.World(sim_config)

(You can leave off the type annotation on sim_config and the line importing SimConfig if you’re not using type checking.)

As we start simulator instances by using world, it needs to know what simulators are available and how to start them. This is called the sim config and is a dict that contains every simulator we want to use together with some information on how to start it.

In our case, the only simulator is the ExampleSim. It will be started by importing the module example_sim.mosaik and instantiating the class ExampleSim. This is only possible with simulators written in Python 3. You can also let mosaik start simulator as external processes or let it connect to already running processes. The simulator manager docs explain how this all works and give you some hints when to use which method of starting a simulator.

In addition to the sim config you can optionally pass the mosaik_config dictionary to World in order to overwrite some general parameters for mosaik (e.g., the host and port number for its network socket or timeouts). Usually, the defaults work just well.

>>> world = mosaik.World(sim_config, mosaik_config={'addr': ('', 5555), 'start_timeout': 10, 'stop_timeout': 10,})

Via the time_resolution parameter you can set a global time resolution for the scenario, which will be passed to each simulator as keyword argument via the init function (see API init). It tells each simulator how to translate mosaik’s integer time to simulated time (in seconds from simulation start). It has to be a float and it defaults to 1..

>>> world = mosaik.World(sim_config, time_resolution=1.)

If you set the debug flag to True an execution graph will be created during the simulation. This may be useful for debugging and testing. Note, that this increases the memory consumption and simulation time.

>>> world = mosaik.World(sim_config, debug=False)

There are two more technical parameters: You can set the cache flag to False if the average step size of the simulators is orders of magnitudes larger than the time resolution, i.e. a time resolution of microseconds where the typical step size is in the seconds range. This will considerably reduce the simulation time.

>>> world = mosaik.World(sim_config, cache=True)

Via max_loop_iterations you can limit the maximum iteration count within one time step for same-time loops. It’s default value is 100.

>>> world = mosaik.World(sim_config, max_loop_iterations=100)

Starting simulators

Now that the basic set-up is done, we can start our simulators:

>>> simulator_0 = world.start('ExampleSim', step_size=2)
Starting "ExampleSim" as "ExampleSim-0" ...
>>> simulator_1 = world.start('ExampleSim')
Starting "ExampleSim" as "ExampleSim-1" ...

To start a simulator, we call World.start() and pass the name of the simulator. Mosaik looks up that name in its sim config, starts the simulator for us and returns a ModelFactory. This factory allows us to instantiate simulation models within that simulator.

In addition to the simulator name, you can pass further parameters for the simulators. These parameters are passed to the simulator via the init() API call.

Instantiating simulation models

Simulators specify a set of public models in their meta data (see init() API call). These models can be accessed with the ModelFactory that World.start() returns as if they were normal Python classes. So to create one instance of ExampleSim’s model A we just write:

>>> a = simulator_0.A(init_val=0)

This will create one instance of the A simulation model and pass the model parameter init_val=0 to it (see create() API call). Lets see what it is that gets returned to us:

>>> print(a)
Entity('ExampleSim-0', '0.0', 'ExampleSim', A)
>>> a.sid, a.eid, a.full_id
('ExampleSim-0', '0.0', 'ExampleSim-0.0.0')
>>> a.sim_name, a.type
('ExampleSim', 'A')
>>> a.children

A model instances is represented in your scenario as an Entity. The entity belongs to the simulator ExampleSim-0, has the ID 0.0 and its type is A. The entity ID is unique within a simulator. To make it globally unique, we prepend it with the simulator ID. This is called the entity’s full ID (see Entity.full_id). You can also get a list of its child entities (which is empty in this case).

In order to instantiate multiple instances of a model, you can either use a simple list comprehension (or for loop) or call the static method create() of the model:

>>> a_set = [simulator_0.A(init_val=i) for i in range(2)]
>>> b_set = simulator_1.B.create(3, init_val=1)

The list comprehension is more verbose but allows you to pass individual parameter values to each instance. Using create() is more concise but all three instance will have the same value for init_val. In both cases you’ll get a list of entities (aka entity sets).

Setting initial events

Time-based (and hybrid) simulators are automatically scheduled for time step 0, and will organize their scheduling until the simulation’s end themselves afterward. For event-based simulators this is not the case, as they might only want to be stepped if an event is created by another simulator for example. Therefore you might need to set initial events for some event-based ones via World.set_initial_event(), which sets an event for time 0 by default, or at later times if explicitly stated:

>>> world.set_initial_event(a.sid)
>>> world.set_initial_event(b.sid, time=3)

Connecting entities

If we would now run our simulation, both, simulator_0 and simulator_1 would run in parallel and never exchange any data. To change that, we need to connect the models providing input data to entities requiring this data. In our case, we will connect the val_out attribute of the A instances with the val_in attribute of the B instances:

>>> a_set.insert(0, a)  # Put our first A instance to the others
>>> for a, b in zip(a_set, b_set):
...     world.connect(a, b, ('val_out', 'val_in'))

The method World.connect() takes the source entity, the destination entity and an arbitrary amount of (source attribute, dest. attribute) tuples. If the name of the source attributes equals that of the destination attribute, you can alternatively just pass a single string (e.g., connect(a, b, 'attr')).

mosaik deals with two separate types of data exchange between simulators:

  • First, there are measurements that have a value at each point of time. Examples include all kinds of physical measurements like the voltage at a grid node or the power output of a PV system.

  • Second, there are events (those were introduced in mosaik 3) which happen at a particular point in time. A typical example is a message between ICT devices or a set-point message from some controller to the PV system that it controls.

Each attribute of a mosaik simulator can deal either with measurements or with events. In case of time-based simulators, all attributes work as measurements, in case of event-based simulators, all attributes work as events. Hybrid-simulators can work with either on an attribute-by-attribute basis (i.e. each attribute is either for measurements or for events). For historic reasons, input attributes are called trigger attributes when they deal with events, and output attributes are called non-persistent when they deal with events. The opposite terms ‘non-trigger’ and ‘persistent’ are used for measurement attributes (input and output, respectively).

mosaik will complain if you connect a non-persistent output to a non-trigger input. This is because the target simulator should be able to rely on always receiving input on its non-trigger attributes, but just delaying or even repeating the last event would be semantically unsound (the event is associated with the time at which it was generated by the source simulator, not with the time at which the target simulator happens to run).

Solutions to solve warnings for attribute connections

A non-persistent output connected to a non-trigger input leads to a warning.

Usually, the solution to resolve this warning is to change the type of one of the affected attributes: the source attribute from non-persistent to persistent, or the target attribute from non-trigger to trigger. You can do this without affecting the simulator’s other attributes by changing the simulator’s type to hybrid, where you can then specify which attributes should be trigger and/or non-persistent. (See here for the format of META.) Note that the attributes of hybrid simulator behave like measurements by default, so if you are changing an event-based simulator to hybrid, you will have to specify all attributes except for the affected one to be trigger and/or non-persistent if you want to preserve their previous behavior.

We also encourage you to carefully think about the case where you attempt to connect a persistent output to a trigger input. However, because there is the common case of saving data generated in the simulation using some database or writer simulator (regardless of how whether it is an event or a measurement), mosaik will not complain when you set up connections like this.

You can only connect entities that belong to different simulators with each other (that’s why we created two instances of the ExampleSim).

You are also not allowed to create circular dependencies via standard connections only (e.g., connect a to b and then connect b to a). There are several ways to allow a bidirectional or cyclic exchange of data, which is required for things like control strategies, e.g. via time-shifted or weak connections. See section How to achieve cyclic data-flows for details.

Running the simulation

When all simulators are started, models are instantiated and connected, we can finally run our simulation:

Starting simulation.
Simulation finished successfully.

This will execute the simulation from time 0 until we reach the time until (in simulated time units). The scheduler section explains in detail what happens when you call run().

While the simulation is running, the current progress is visualized using a tqdm progress bar. You can turn this off using the print_progress parameter of, print_progress=False)

If you want a more detailed progress report, you can also set print_progress='individual' which will produce a separate progress bar for each simulator in your simulation.

We can also set the lazy_stepping flag (default: True). If True, a simulator can only run ahead one step of its successors. If False, a simulator always steps as long as all inputs are provided. This might decrease the simulation time but increase the memory consumption.

>>>, lazy_stepping=False)

To wrap it all up, this is how our small example scenario finally looks like:

# Setup
import mosaik

sim_config = {
    'ExampleSim': {'python': 'example_sim.mosaik:ExampleSim'},

world = mosaik.World(sim_config)

# Start simulators
simulator_0 = world.start('ExampleSim', step_size=2)
simulator_1 = world.start('ExampleSim')

# Instantiate models
a_set = [simulator_0.A(init_val=i) for i in range(3)]
b_set = simulator_1.B.create(3, init_val=1)

# Connect entities
for a, b in zip(a_set, b_set):
    world.connect(a, b, ('val_out', 'val_in'))

# Run simulation

How to achieve cyclic data-flows

Bi-directional (or cyclic) data-flows can occur easily in many scenarios, e.g. when you want to integrate control strategies. In this case you have to explicitly define in which order the simulators have to be stepped in case they are scheduled at the same time step simultaneously. Otherwise the simulation would get stuck in a dead-lock. Therefore this trivial approach is not allowed in mosaik:

# Send battery's active power value to the controller
world.connect(battery, controller, 'P')
# Controller sends back a schedule to the battery
world.connect(controller, battery, 'schedule')

The problem with this is that mosaik cannot know whether to compute battery.P or controller.schedule first.

There are different ways to solve this problem, depending of the stepping type of your simulators:


For time-based simulators the easiest way is to indicate explicitly that the output of at least one simulator (e.g. the schedule of the controller)is to be used for time steps afterwards (here by the battery) via the time_shifted flag:

world.connect(battery, controller, 'P')
world.connect(controller, battery, 'schedule', time_shifted=True,
              initial_data={'schedule': initial_schedule})

As for the first step this data cannot be provided yet, you have to set it via the initial_data argument. This example would result in a sequential execution of the two simulators. If you set the time_shifted flag for both connections, you get a parallel execution.

The other option to resolve the cycle is to use asynchronous requests. For this you only connect the battery’s P to the controller and let the control strategy set the new schedule via the asynchronous request set_data. To indicate this in your scenario, you set the async_request flag of World.connect() to True:

world.connect(battery, controller, 'P', async_requests=True)

This way, mosaik will push the value for P from the battery to the controller. It will then wait until the controller’s step is done before the next step for the battery will be computed.

The advantage of this approach is that the call of set_data is optional, so you don’t need to send a schedule on every step if there’s no new schedule. The disadvantage is that you have to implement the set_data call within the simulator with the specific destination, making it less modular.

The step implementation of the controller could roughly look like this:

class Controller(Simulator):

    def step(self, t, inputs):
       schedule = self._get_schedule(inputs)
       yield self.mosaik.set_data(schedule)
       return t + self.step_size


For cyclic dependencies of event-based simulators you have to set one (and only one) connection to weak, analogous to the time_shifted connections. This allows mosaik to create a topological ranking of the simulators which is used to resolve eventual deadlocks (when two or more simulators have scheduled steps at the same time). In contrast to the time-shifted connections, weakly connected output can also be valid/used at the same point in time. This enables algebraic loops within one time step for example. You just have to make sure that you don’t construct infinite loops. See section Same-time Loops for details.

How to filter entity sets

When you create large-scale scenarios, you often work with large sets of entities rather than single ones. This section provides some examples how you can extract a sub-set of entities from a larger entity set based on arbitrary criteria.

Let’s assume that we have created a power grid with mosaik-pypower:

grid = pypower.Grid(gridfile='data/grid.json').children

Since mosaik-pypower’s Grid entity only serves as a container for the buses and branches of our power grid, we directly bound its children to the name grid. So grid is now a list containing a RefBus entity and multiple Transformer, PQBus and Branch entities.

So how do we get a list of all transformers? This way:

transformers = [e for e in grid if e.type == 'Transformer']

How do we get the single RefBus? This way:

refbus = [e for e in grid if e.type == 'RefBus'][0]

Our PQBus entities are named like Busbar_<i> and ConnectionPoint_<i> to indicate to which buses we can connect consumers and producers and to which we shouldn’t connect anything. How do we get a list of all ConnectionPoint buses? We might be tempted to do it this way:

conpoints = [e for e in grid if e.eid.startswith('ConnectionPoint_')]

The problem in this particular case is, that mosaik-pypower prepends a “grid ID” to each entity ID, because it can handle multiple grid instances at once. So our entity IDs are actually looking like this: <grid_idx>-ConnectionPoint_<i>. Using regular expressions, we can get our list:

import re

regex_conpoint = re.compile(r'\d+-ConnectionPoint_\d+')

conpoints = [e for e in grid if regex_conpoint.match(e.eid)]

If we want to connect certain consumers or producers to defined nodes in our grid (e.g., your boss says: “This PV module needs to be connected to ConnectionPoint_23!”), creating a dict instead of a list is a good idea:

remove_grididx = lambda e: e.eid.split('-', 1)[1]  # Little helper function
cps_by_name = {remove_grididx(e): e for e in grid if regex_conpoint.match(e)}

This will create a mapping where the string 'ConnectionPoint_23' maps to the corresponding Entity instance.

This was just a small selection of how you can filter entity sets using list/dict comprehensions. Alternatively, you can also use the filter() function or a normal for loop. You should also take at look at the itertools and functools modules. You’ll find even more functionality in specialized packages like PyToolz.

How to create user-defined connection rules

The method World.connect() allows you to only connect one pair of entities with each other. When you work with larger entity sets, you might not want to connect every entity manually, but use functions that take to sets of entities and connect them with each other based on some criteria.

The most common case is that you want to randomly connect the entities of one set to another, for example, when you distribute a number of PV modules over a power grid.

For this use case, mosaik provides mosaik.util.connect_randomly(). It takes two sets and connects them either evenly or purely randomly:

world = mosaik.World(sim_config)

grid = pypower.Grid(gridfile=GRID_FILE).children
pq_buses = [e for e in grid if e.type == 'PQBus']
pvs = pvsim.PV.create(20)

# Assuming that len(pvs) < len(pq_buses), this will
# connect 0 or 1 PV module to each bus:
mosaik.util.connect_randomly(world, pvs, pq_buses, 'P')

# This will distribute the PV modules purely randomly, but every
# bus will have at most 3 modules connected to it.
mosaik.util.connect_randomly(world, pvs, pq_buses, 'P',
                              evenly=False, max_connects=3)

Another relatively common use case is connecting a set of entities to one other entity, e.g., when you want to connect a number of controllable energy producers to a central scheduler. For this use case, mosaik provides mosaik.util.connect_many_to_one()

pvs = pvsim.PV.create(30)
chps = chpsim.CHP.create(20)
controller = cs.Scheduler()

# Connect all producers to the controller, remember to set the
# "async_requests" flag.
connect_many_to_one(world, chain(pvs, chps), controller, 'P',

Connection rules are oftentimes highly specific for a project. connect_randomly() and connect_many_to_one() are currently the only functions that are useful and complicated enough to ship it with mosaik. But writing your own connection method is not that hard, as you can see in the connect_many_to_one example:

from itertools import chain

def connect_many_to_one(world, src_set, dest_entity, *attrs,
    for src_entity in src_set:
        world.connect(src_entity, dest_entity, *attrs,

How to retrieve static data from entities

Sometimes, the entities don’t contain all the information that you need in order to decide which entity connect to which, but your simulation model could provide that data. An example for this might be the maximum amount of active power that a producer is able to produce.

Mosaik allows you to query a simulator for that data during composition time via World.get_data():

>>> example_simulator = world.start('ExampleSim')
Starting "ExampleSim" as "ExampleSim-2" ...
>>> entities = example_simulator.A.create(3, init_val=42)
>>> data = world.get_data(entities, 'val_out')
>>> data[entities[0]]
{'val_out': 42}

The entities that you pass to this function don’t need to belong to the same simulator (instance) as long as they all can provide the required attributes.

How to access topology and data-flow information

The World contains two networkx Graphs which hold information about the data-flows between simulators and the simulation topology that you created in your scenario. You can use these graphs, for example, to export the simulation topology that mosaik created into a custom data or file format.

World.df_graph is the directed dataflow graph for your scenarios. It contains a node for every simulator that you started. The simulator ID is used to label the nodes. If you established a data-flow between two simulators (by connecting at least two of their entities), a directed edge between two nodes is inserted. The edges contain a list of the data-flows as well as the async_requests, time_shifted, and weak flags (see How to achieve cyclic data-flows) and the trigger and pred_waiting flags.

The data-flow graph may, for example, look like this:

world.df_graph.node == {
    'PvSim-0': {},
    'PyPower-0': {},
world.df_graph.edge == {
    'PvSim-0': {'PyPower-0': {
        'async_requests': False,
        'dataflows': [
            ('PV_0', 'bus_0', ('P_out', 'P'), ('Q_out', 'Q')),
            ('PV_1', 'bus_1', ('P_out', 'P'), ('Q_out', 'Q')),

World.entity_graph is the undirected entity graph. It contains a node for every entity. The full entity ID ('sim_id.entity_id') is used as node label. Every node also stores the simulator name and entity type. An edge between two entities is inserted

  • if they are somehow related within a simulator (e.g., a PyPower branch is related to the two PyPower buses to which it is adjacent) (see create); or

  • if they are connected via World.connect().

The entity graph may, for example, look like this:

world.entity_graph.node == {
    'PvSim_0.PV_0': {'sim': 'PvSim', 'type': 'PV'},
    'PvSim_0.PV_1': {'sim': 'PvSim', 'type': 'PV'},
    'PyPower_0.branch_0': {'sim': 'PyPower', 'type': 'Branch'},
    'PyPower_0.bus_0': {'sim': 'PyPower', 'type': 'PQBus'},
    'PyPower_0.bus_1': {'sim': 'PyPower', 'type': 'PQBus'},
world.entity_graph.edge == {
    'PvSim_0.PV_0': {'PyPower_0.bus_0': {}},
    'PvSim_0.PV_1': {'PyPower_0.bus_1': {}},
    'PyPower_0.branch_0': {'PyPower_0.bus_0': {}, 'PyPower_0.bus_1': {}},
    'PyPower_0.bus_0': {'PvSim_0.PV_0': {}, 'PyPower_0.branch_0': {}},
    'PyPower_0.bus_1': {'PvSim_0.PV_1': {}, 'PyPower_0.branch_0': {}},

The get_related_entities API call also uses and returns (parts of) the entity graph. So you can access it in your scenario definition as well as from with a simulator, control strategy or monitoring tool.

Please consult the networkx documentation for more details about working with graphs and directed graphs.

How to destroy a world

When you are done working with a world, you should shut it down properly:

>>> world.shutdown()

This will, for instance, close mosaik’s socket and allows new World instances to reuse the same port again. automatically calls World.shutdown() for you.

How to do real-time simulations

It is very easy to do real-time (or “wall-clock time”) simulations in mosaik. You just pass an rt_factor to to enable it:, rt_factor=1)

A real-time factor of 1 means, that 1 simulation time unit (usually a simulation second) takes 1 second of real time. Thus, if you set the real-time factor to 0.5, the simulation will run twice as fast as the real time. If you set it to 1/60, one simulated minute will take one real-time second.

It may happen that the simulators are too slow for the real-time factor chosen. That means, they take longer than, e.g., one second to compute a step when a real-time factor of one second is set. If this happens, mosaik will by default just print a warning message to stdout. However, you can also let your simulation crash in this case by setting the parameter rt_strict to True. Mosaik will then raise a RuntimeError if your simulation is too slow:, rt_factor=1/60, rt_strict=True)

How to call extra methods of a simulator

A simulator may optionally define additional API methods (see init) that you can call from your scenario. These methods can implement operations, like setting some static data to a simulator, which don’t really fit into init() or create().

These methods are exposed via the model factory that you get when you start a simulator. In the following example, we’ll call the example_method() that the example simulator shipped with the mosaik Python API:

>>> world = mosaik.World({'ExampleSim': {
...     'python': 'example_sim.mosaik:ExampleSim'}})
>>> es = world.start('ExampleSim')
Starting "ExampleSim" as "ExampleSim-0" ...
>>> # Now brace yourself ...
>>> es.example_method(23)
>>> world.shutdown()