
Control strategy

A program that is intended to observe and manipulate the state of objects (simulated or real) of a power system or those that are somehow connected to the power system; for example a multi-agent system that controls the feed-in of decentralized producers.


In co-simulation the different subsystems which form a coupled problem are modeled and simulated in a distributed manner. The modeling is done on the subsystem level without having the coupled problem in mind. The coupled simulation is carried out by running the subsystems in a black-box manner. During the simulation the subsystems will exchange data. (source: Wikipedia)


The exchange of data between two simulators or between the entities of two simulators.

Example: the (re)active power feed-in of a PV model that is sent to a node of a power system simulator.


Represents an instance of a Model within a mosaik simulation. Entities can be connected to establish a data-flow between them. Examples are the nodes and lines of a power grid or single electric vehicles.

Entity Set

A set or list of entities.


A software framework provides generic functionality that can be selectively changed and expanded by additional user-written code.


A Model is a simplified representation of a real world object or system. It reproduces the relevant aspects of that object or system for its systematic analysis.


Description of the system to be simulated. It includes the used models and their relations. It includes the state of the models and their data base. In the mosaik-context it includes also the simulators.


The process of executing a scenario (and the simulation models).

Simulation Model

The representation of a model in programming code..


A program that contains the implementation of one or more simulation models and is able to execute these models (that is, to perform a simulation).

Sometimes, the term simulator also refers all kinds of processes that can talk to mosaik, including actual simulators, control strategies, visualization servers, database adapters and so on.

Smart Grid

An electric power system that utilizes information exchange and control technologies, distributed computing and associated sensors and actuators, for purposes such as:

  • to integrate the behaviour and actions of the network users and other stakeholders,

  • to efficiently deliver sustainable, economic and secure electricity supplies.

(source: IEC)


Mosaik executes simulators in discrete time steps. The step size of a simulator can be an arbitrary integer. It can also vary during the simulation.

Mosaik does not dictate a unit for the simulation time and step size. The convention is to use seconds, but it is no problems if all simulators used minutes or milli seconds – as long as all of them assume the same unit.