mosaik.scheduler — Coordinate and execute simulators

This module is responsible for performing the simulation of a scenario. World, until: int, rt_factor: Optional[float] = None, rt_strict: bool = False, lazy_stepping: bool = True)Iterator[Event]

Run the simulation for a World until the simulation time until has been reached.

Return the final simulation time.

See for a detailed description of the rt_factor and rt_strict arguments.

mosaik.scheduler.sim_process(world: World, sim: SimProxy, until: int, rt_factor: Optional[float], rt_strict: bool, lazy_stepping: bool)Iterator[Event]

SimPy simulation process for a certain simulator sim.

mosaik.scheduler.has_next_step(world: World, sim: SimProxy)Iterable[Event]

Return an Event that is triggered when sim has a next step.

world is a mosaik World.

mosaik.scheduler.wait_for_dependencies(world: World, sim: SimProxy, lazy_stepping: bool)Event

Return an event ( that is triggered when all dependencies can provide input data for sim.

Also notify any simulator that is already waiting to perform its next step.

world is a mosaik World.

mosaik.scheduler.get_input_data(world: World, sim: SimProxy)InputData

Return a dictionary with the input data for sim.

The dict will look like:

    'eid': {
        'attrname': {'src_eid_0': val_0, ... 'src_eid_n': val_n},

For every entity, there is an entry in the dict and each entry is itself a dict with attributes and a list of values. This is, because we may have inputs from multiple simulators (e.g., different consumers that provide loads for a node in a power grid) and cannot know how to aggregate that data (sum, max, …?).

world is a mosaik World.

mosaik.scheduler.step(world: World, sim: SimProxy, inputs: InputData, max_advance: int)Generator[Event, int, int]

Advance (step) a simulator sim with the given inputs. Return an event that is triggered when the step was performed.

inputs is a dictionary, that maps entity IDs to data dictionaries which map attribute names to lists of values (see get_input_data()).

max_advance is the simulation time until the simulator can safely advance it’s internal time without causing any causality errors.

mosaik.scheduler.get_outputs(world: World, sim: SimProxy, progress: int)Generator[Any, OutputData, int]

Get all required output data from a simulator sim. Yield an event that is triggered when all output data is received.

world is a mosaik World.

mosaik.scheduler.get_progress(sims: Dict[SimId, SimProxy], until: int)float

Return the current progress of the simulation in percent.