mosaik ecosystem

Mosaik as a co-simulation tool organizes the data exchange between simulators and coordinates the execution of the connected simulaters. This part is called mosaik mosaik-core and contains mosaik itself and APIs for multiple programming languages.

mosaik is a co-simulation library. The components and tools form the mosaik ecosystem.

Mosaik is a co-simulation library. The components and tools form the mosaik ecosystem.

Mosaik-core without any connected simulators doesn’t do much. This is why we provide some simple and free simulators so that it is possible to start with a working Smart-Grid simulation. These simulators belong to a part of mosaik’s ecosystem called mosaik mosaik-components.

To see how these components can be coupled to simulations, also some example scenarios are provided in mosaik mosaik-examples.

Mosaik is developed following the “lean and mean” principle. That means that we try to keep the software as simple as possible in order to keep it efficient and easy to maintain. In order to make it easier to set up and run experiments with mosaik we provide some tools that help building scenarios, connecting simulators or to visualize and analyze the simulation results. These tools are located in the mosaik mosaik-tools-library.

There are also some implementations done by external users of mosaik. We give an overview of the mosaik external components we know here.

mosaik mosaik-core

The root folder contains mosaik itself and the high-level API implementations are provided in the API folder.

mosaik mosaik-components

mosaik mosaik-examples

mosaik mosaik-tools

mosaik external components

These components are developed by external users of mosaik and we can not guarantee or support the flawless integration of these tools with mosaik. If you also have implemented additional tools for mosaik, simulation models or adapters, feel free to contact us at mosaik [ A T ] to be listed here.

  • pysimmods contains some simulation models, which can be used in mosaik scenarios.

  • MIDAS contains a semi-automatic scenario configuration tool.

  • mosaik-docker is a package for the deployment of mosaik with Docker.

  • ZDIN-ZLE contains the research and development of digitalized energy systems in ZLE using mosaik (collection of simulation models and scenarios).