— Management of external processes
The simulation manager is responsible for starting simulation processes and shutting them down. It also manages the communication between mosaik and the processes.
It is able to start pure Python simulators in-process (by importing and instantiating them), to start external simulation processes and to connect to already running simulators and manage access to them.
- typeddict mosaik.simmanager.MosaikConfigTotal[source]
A total version for :cls:`MosaikConfig` for internal use.
- async mosaik.simmanager.start(world, sim_name, sim_id, time_resolution, sim_params)[source]
Start the simulator sim_name based on the configuration im world.sim_config, give it the ID sim_id and pass the time_resolution and the parameters of the dict sim_params to it.
The sim config is a dictionary with one entry for every simulator. The entry itself tells mosaik how to start the simulator:
{ 'ExampleSimA': { 'python': 'example_sim.mosaik:ExampleSim', }, 'ExampleSimB': { 'cmd': 'example_sim %(addr)s', 'cwd': '.', 'auto_terminate': True, }, 'ExampleSimC': { 'connect': 'host:port', }, }
ExampleSimA is a pure Python simulator. Mosaik will import the module
and instantiate the classExampleSim
to start the simulator.ExampleSimB would be started by executing the command example_sim and passing the network address of mosaik das command line argument. You can optionally specify a current working directory. It defaults to
. You can also specify whether mosaik should attempt to terminate the process at the end of the simulation using the auto_terminate field. This defaults toTrue
.ExampleSimC can not be started by mosaik, so mosaik tries to connect to it.
time_resolution (in seconds) is a global scenario parameter, which tells the simulators what the integer time step means in seconds. Its default value is 1., meaning one integer step corresponds to one second simulated time.
The function returns a
instance.It raises a
if the simulator could not be started.Return a
- async mosaik.simmanager.start_inproc(mosaik_config, sim_name, sim_config, mosaik_remote)[source]
Import and instantiate the Python simulator sim_name based on its config entry sim_config.
Return a
instance.Raise a
if the simulator cannot be instantiated.- Parameters:
mosaik_config (MosaikConfigTotal)
sim_name (str)
sim_config (PythonModel)
mosaik_remote (MosaikRemote)
- Return type:
- async mosaik.simmanager.start_proc(mosaik_config, sim_name, sim_config, mosaik_remote)[source]
Start a new process for simulator sim_name based on its config entry sim_config.
Return a
instance.Raise a
if the simulator cannot be instantiated.- Parameters:
mosaik_config (MosaikConfigTotal)
sim_name (str)
sim_config (CmdModel)
mosaik_remote (MosaikRemote)
- Return type:
- async mosaik.simmanager.start_connect(mosaik_config, sim_name, sim_config, mosaik_remote)[source]
Connect to the already running simulator sim_name based on its config entry sim_config.
Return a
instance.Raise a
if the simulator cannot be instantiated.- Parameters:
mosaik_config (MosaikConfigTotal)
sim_name (str)
sim_config (ConnectModel)
mosaik_remote (MosaikRemote)
- Return type:
- class mosaik.simmanager.PushDescription(dest_sim, delay, dest_port, transform)[source]
Describes a connection for pushing data from one simulator to another.
- Parameters:
dest_sim (SimRunner) – The
instance representing the simulator receiving the data.delay (TieredDuration) – The TieredDuration representing the time shift (or delay) applied to the data during transmission along the connection.
dest_port (Tuple[str, str]) – The Port representing the entity-attribute pair for the destination in the target simulator.
transform (Callable[[...], Any]) – A callable function applied to the data as it is pushed to the destination.
- class mosaik.simmanager.PullDescription(src_port, dest_port, transform)[source]
Describes a connection for pulling data into a simulator.
- Parameters:
src_port (Tuple[str, str]) – The Port representing the entity-attribute pair from which data is pulled in the connected simulator.
dest_port (Tuple[str, str]) – The Port representing the entity-attribute pair that is the destination for the pulled data.
transform (Callable[[...], Any]) – A callable function applied to the data as it is forwarded to its destination.
- class mosaik.simmanager.SimRunner(sid, connection, check_outputs, depth=1)[source]
Handler for an external simulator.
It stores its simulation state and own the proxy object to the external simulator.
- Parameters:
sid (SimId)
connection (Proxy)
check_outputs (Callable[[OutputData], None])
depth (int)
- output_time: TieredTime[source]
The output time associated with data. Usually, this will be equal to last_step but simulators may specify a different time for their output.
- next_steps: List[TieredTime][source]
The scheduled next steps this simulator will take, organized as a heap. Once the immediate next step has been chosen (and the has_next_step event has been triggered), the step is moved to next_step instead.
- progress: Progress[source]
This simulator’s progress in mosaik time.
This simulator has done all its work before time progress, so other simulator can rely on this simulator’s output until this time.
- timed_input_buffer: TimedInputBuffer[source]
Inputs for this simulator.
- successors_to_wait_for: Dict[SimRunner, TieredDuration][source]
The immediate successors that we always need to wait for (due to async requests.) The duration only serves as an adapter (so we don’t need MinimalDurations here.)
- successors: Dict[SimRunner, TieredDuration][source]
The immediate successors of this simulator. This is used when lazy stepping to ensure that we don’t step ahead too far. Therefore, the duration is only used as an adapter, and will always have all tiers 0. (Thus, we don’t need MinimalDurations here.)
- triggering_ancestors: Dict[SimRunner, MinimalDurations][source]
An iterable of this sim’s ancestors that can trigger a step of this simulator. The second component specifies the least amount of time that output from the ancestor needs to reach us.
- triggers: Dict[Port, List[Tuple[SimRunner, TieredDuration]]][source]
For each port of this simulator, the simulators that are triggered by output on that port and the delay accrued along that edge.
- output_to_push: Dict[Port, List[PushDescription]][source]
This lists those connections that use the timed_input_buffer. The keys are the entity-attribute pairs (Port) of this simulator, and the values are lists of PushDescription objects. Each PushDescription specifies the destination simulator, the entity-attribute pair for the target, and the time shift occurring along the connection.
- pulled_inputs: Dict[Tuple[SimRunner, TieredDuration], List[PullDescription]][source]
Output to pull in whenever this simulator performs a step. The keys are the source SimRunner and the time shift, the values are lists of PullDescription objects. Each PullDescription specifies the source and destination entity-attribute pairs along with an optional transformation function applied to the data.
- task: asyncio.Task[None][source]
The asyncio.Task for this simulator.
- input_delays: Dict[SimRunner, MinimalDurations][source]
For each simulator that provides data to this simulator, the minimum over all input delays. This is used while waiting for dependencies.
- schedule_step(tiered_time)[source]
Schedule a step for this simulator at the given time. This will trigger a re-evaluation whether this simulator’s next step is settled, provided that the new step is earlier than the old one and the simulator is currently awaiting it’s next settled step.
- Parameters:
tiered_time (TieredTime)
- class mosaik.simmanager.MosaikRemote(world, sid)[source]
- Parameters:
world (AsyncWorld)
sid (SimId)
- async get_progress()[source]
Return the current simulation progress from
.- Return type:
Return information about the related entities of entities.
If entities omitted (or
), return the complete entity graph, e.g.:{ 'nodes': { 'sid_0.eid_0': {'type': 'A'}, 'sid_0.eid_1': {'type': 'B'}, 'sid_1.eid_0': {'type': 'C'}, }, 'edges': [ ['sid_0.eid_0', 'sid_1.eid0', {}], ['sid_0.eid_1', 'sid_1.eid0', {}], ], }
If entities is a single string (e.g.,
), return a dict containing all entities related to that entity:{ 'sid_0.eid_0': {'type': 'A'}, 'sid_0.eid_1': {'type': 'B'}, }
If entities is a list of entity IDs (e.g.,
['sid_0.eid_0', 'sid_0.eid_1']
), return a dict mapping each entity to a dict of related entities:{ 'sid_0.eid_0': { 'sid_1.eid_0': {'type': 'B'}, }, 'sid_0.eid_1': { 'sid_1.eid_1': {'type': 'B'}, }, }
- async get_data(attrs)[source]
This method is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Implement cyclic data flow using time-shifted and weak connections instead.
Return the data for the requested attributes attrs.
attrs is a dict of (fully qualified) entity IDs mapping to lists of attribute names (
{'sid/eid': ['attr1', 'attr2']}
).The return value is a dictionary, which maps the input entity IDs to data dictionaries, which in turn map attribute names to their respective values: (
{'sid/eid': {'attr1': val1, 'attr2': val2}}
- async set_data(data)[source]
This method is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Implement cyclic data flow using time-shifted and weak connections instead.
Set data as input data for all affected simulators.
data is a dictionary mapping source entity IDs to destination entity IDs with dictionaries of attributes and values (
{'src_full_id': {'dest_full_id': {'attr1': 'val1', 'attr2': 'val2'}}}
- class mosaik.simmanager.StarterCollection[source]
This class provides a singleton instance of a collection of simulation starters. Default starters are: - python: start_inproc - cmd: start_proc - connect: start_connect
External packages may add additional methods of starting simulations by adding new elements:
from mosaik.simmanager import StarterCollection s = StarterCollection() s[‘my_starter’] = my_starter_func
- Return type:
OrderedDict[str, Callable[…, Coroutine[Any, Any, BaseProxy]]]
- class mosaik.simmanager.TimedInputBuffer[source]
A buffer to store inputs with its corresponding time.
When the data is queried for a specific step time, all entries with time <= step are added to the input_dictionary.
If there are several entries for the same connection at the same time, only the most recent value is added.